Excellence Awards
As part of the Global Faculty of Hemsley Fraser for the Shell LEAD program, I am very proud to announce that Hemsley Fraser and Shell have won three 2018 Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Learning Awards for their LEAD (Leading to Engage and Deliver ) Program. Congratulations to both Shell and Hemsley Fraser with winning these great execellence awards. Proud to be part of the Global Faculty!
The Shell / Hemsley Fraser program has been awarded:
- A Gold award for Best use of Blended Learning
- A Silver award for Best Unique or Innovative Leadership Program
- And a Bronze award for Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program
The full awards list is here: https://www.brandonhall.com/excellenceawards/excellence-learning.php?year=2018
About Brandon Hall Group
Brandon Hall Group is a HCM research and advisory services firm that provides insights around key performance areas, including Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Talent Acquisition, and HR/Workforce Management. They have more than 10,000 clients globally and 20 years of delivering world-wide research and advisory services.
In making this award Brandon Hall said… “Excellence Award winners personify innovation that drives business results. Our winners embrace the future and embrace change and the challenges that go with it,” said Rachel Cooke, Chief Operating Officer of Brandon Hall Group and head of the awards program. “It is amazing in reviewing these entries how organizations – both large and small – work across functions to make human capital management a valuable asset the enables business success.” The award entries were evaluated by a panel of veteran, independent senior industry experts, Brandon Hall Group analysts and executives based upon the following criteria: fit the need, design of the program, functionality, innovation, and overall measureable benefits.